Business, and Organisational Consultation:
Drawing on more than twenty years of experience in the field, I am adept at applying principles of depth psychology to facilitate profound and lasting change within systems as well as individuals. From media organisations (e.g. BBC and Channel 4), industry (e.g. major pharmaceutical, tech, and airline companies), or the NHS and the third sector, I have helped organisations build psychological and emotionally intelligent principles and practices into their workplaces. I have also founded, run, and wound-down an international business myself, so I am familiar with the challenges and opportunities that come with that experience.
As someone who works with complexity daily, I do not come with boiler-plate solutions for the unique situations you or your organisation may be experiencing. Nor am I interested in helping organisations meet their "mental health" requirements as a box-ticking exercise. Instead, I will organise a deep dive with you and/or your teams to help us identify any underlying issues together. That way, we will develop ways to resolve them. Whether this is done through one-to-one psychological consultation with executives and leaders or working with whole teams and departments, I will work with not only to identify and solve any challenges your organisation may be facing, but even more importantly, to help you develop a sustainable culture of psychological and emotional thriving in your workplace.
Book an appointment for a free initial conversation to see if I may be able to help.
Deep Enquiry Interviews:
A Deep Enquiry Interview is a 90 minute consultation that combines the structure of a coaching session while integrating the psychological depth of a psychotherapeutic approach. The result is an intensive consultation that aims to open up deeper levels of awareness in order to identify and activate goals that are more closely aligned to your personal mission and values, better understand and address current challenges and obstacles, and identify next steps. The aim of a deep enquiry interview is to address root issues, unlock blockages, and propel you forward.
Deep Enquiry Interviews are not a replacement for psychotherapy, they do, however, take a focussed therapeutic approach to addressing a your current life-challenge. These sessions are ideal for individuals who are looking for a "kick start" on an issue or challenge in which they might be stuck. The issue may be related to career, relationships, big life decisions, or as a way to access and activate deeper meaning or loosen frustrating blockages in your life. These sessions are focussed on forward momentum and flourishing, in contrast to psychotherapy which focusses more on healing and recovery.
Ninety-minute Deep Enquiry Interview sessions are offered as a one-off deep motivational experience. Follow up sessions may be organised on an individual basis if that is desired and agreed to after the initial session. If you are interested in setting up a Deep Enquiry Interview please contact me for rates and further information.
Psychotherapy and Clinical Supervision:
While this website is designed to promote my public facing role as a speaker, writer, and consultant, psychotherapy continues to be a central pillar of my professional life. I specialise in weekly, longer-term, depth-oriented psychotherapy, for which I maintain a limited number of slots. If you are interested in psychotherapy please use the contact for to find out about current availability.
My approach to clinical supervision could be described as active in that I aim to enhance my supervisee's strengths while developing their learning edges for the benefit of their clients and their growth as a clinician. Using a relational approach, I see supervision as a collegiate endeavour that offers an opportunity to integrate and ground therapy practice as well as to stretch and develop it further. The ultimate aim is to discover and then hone one's practice so that it is aligned with personal values and style while meeting their clients' needs.
I also offer psychotherapeutic coaching supervision for executive and business coaches to enable them to develop their practice by increasing their awareness of psychological depth within their coaching work. While maintaining the coaching frame and working within coaching competencies (i.e. not turning it into quasi-psychotherapy sessions) psychotherapeutic coaching supervision aims to bring a depth-oriented perspective to their work to help unlock stuckness and enhance the effectiveness of their practice.
All individual consultations may take place at my consulting rooms in Shoreditch, East London, or online by appointment. Media, business, and organisational consultation may be arranged at your place of work. Please use the contact for for information about availability and fees.
Digital Policy:
In recent years I have come to see that technology and social media use can also affect the therapeutic relationship and have found it necessary to create a digital policy. I ask all my clients and supervisees to read my digital policy when they start therapy. This policy is also intended to be freely used, copied, and amended by other professionals who would like to develop their own.
You can read my digital policy in more detail here.