Using the Self in Psychotherapy: an introduction to the Relational Approach
Event Notice!
Who are you as a therapist and how does your subjectivity affect your practice? Whatever your clinical background or theoretical modality, it is your “personal factors” that are most likely to have an effect on your clients – and their personal factors that will equally have an effect on you. Overall, it is the relationship between the two of you that counts. However, resting on the assumption that “it’s the relationship stupid” is not enough. Relational Psychoanalysis offers a way to understand this complex relationship, so you can begin to get a handle on the unconscious dynamics that infuse the therapeutic situation.
This workshop, run in partnership with Stillpoint Spaces London and The Weekend University will address some of the major themes of Relational Theory, enabling you to think more intersubjectively about your practice. Across the day you will be offered a theoretical frame, clinical examples, practical tools to draw on for practice, and time for reflection on your clinical practice. The workshop is open to both trainees and experienced clinicians who wish to increase their knowledge and experience in relational practice.

Learning Outcomes:
History and development of Relational Psychoanalysis.
Basics of Relational Theory including intersubjectivity, enactment, mutual recognition, and “the third”.
Application of theory to clinical practice (e.g. what makes a relational intervention).
Opportunities for experiential exercises to workshop ideas.
Course Leader:
Aaron Balick, PhD is a psychotherapist, cultural theorist and author applying ideas from depth psychology to culture and technology. He is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Department for Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Essex (UK).

He is a founding member and former executive chair of The Relational School UK. His books include ‘The Psychodynamics of Social Networking: Connected-up Instantaneous Culture and the Self’ and the illustrated children’s self-help book: ‘Keep Your Cool: How to Deal with Life’s Worries and Stress’. ‘The Little Book of Calm’ was released in January of 2018. Aaron is the director of Stillpoint Spaces International.
Who is this for?
This workshop is primarily aimed at coaches, although it is suitable (and likely to be beneficial) for anyone working in the helping professions. You might be: A mental health practitioner; psychotherapist, counsellor or coach, attending for continuing professional development. A psychology student seeking to broaden your knowledge in different areas of the subject. A member of the general public seeking to expand your knowledge in psychology.